Why Angelfish Stay at the Bottom of the Tank

Angelfish are a popular freshwater fish species that are prized for their striking appearance and fascinating behavior. These fish are typically found swimming in the middle to upper levels of the tank, but it’s not uncommon to see them at the bottom of the tank as well. In this article, we’ll explore some of the reasons why Angelfish may stay at the bottom of the tank and what you can do to ensure that your fish are healthy and happy.

Why Angelfish Sitting at the Bottom of the Tank

Angelfish may stay at the bottom of the tank to forage for food or rest/sleep in a comfortable spot. However, if they are staying at the bottom for an extended period of time and appear lethargic or disinterested in food, it may be a sign of stress or illness. Proper water quality, providing plenty of space, and feeding a balanced diet are important factors in ensuring the health and happiness of your Angelfish.

Why is my Angelfish Lying on the Bottom of the Tank?

If your Angelfish is lying on the bottom of the tank, it could be a sign of poor water quality, overcrowding, or illness/injury. Ensure proper water conditions, enough space, and monitor for any signs of illness or injury.

Also read: male vs female angelfish

Reasons Why Angelfish Stay at the Bottom of the Tank

Foraging for Food

One of the main reasons why Angelfish may stay at the bottom of the tank is to forage for food. While they are primarily mid-level swimmers, Angelfish will occasionally swim down to the bottom of the tank to search for food that has fallen or settled there. This behavior is completely normal and nothing to be concerned about.

Resting or Sleeping

Angelfish, like many other fish species, will also rest or sleep in a comfortable spot within the tank. This can often be at the bottom of the tank, where they can rest on plants, rocks, or other aquarium decorations. If your Angelfish is at the bottom of the tank and appears healthy and active at other times, it’s likely just resting or sleeping.

Stress or Illness

In some cases, Angelfish may stay in the corner of the tank due to stress or illness. This could be caused by a number of factors, including poor water quality, overcrowding in the tank, or a lack of hiding spots or shelter. If your fish is staying at the bottom of the tank for an extended period of time and appears lethargic or disinterested in food, it may be a sign of illness. In this case, it’s important to monitor your fish closely and seek veterinary care if necessary.

Poor Water Quality

Poor water quality can lead to stress and illness in fish, which may cause them to lie on the bottom of the tank. Make sure to maintain proper water conditions by doing regular water changes and testing the water regularly.


Overcrowding in the tank can also cause stress in fish, which can lead to lying on the bottom of the tank. Make sure that your Angelfish have enough space to swim and plenty of hiding spots and shelter.

How to Treat Angelfish that is Lying at the Bottom?

Maintain Water Quality

Proper water quality is essential for the health and well-being of your Angelfish. Regular water changes and testing will help to ensure that the water in your tank is clean and free of harmful chemicals or toxins.

Provide Plenty of Space

Angelfish are active swimmers and require plenty of space to move around. Make sure that your tank is large enough to accommodate the size and number of fish you have, and provide plenty of swimming space as well as hiding spots and shelter.

Feed a Balanced Diet

A balanced and varied diet is important for the health of your Angelfish. Make sure to feed a variety of foods, including flakes, pellets, and live or frozen foods. Avoid overfeeding, as this can lead to health problems and poor water quality.


Do angelfish sleep on the bottom?

Yes, Angelfish may sleep on the bottom of the tank. It’s not uncommon for them to find a comfortable spot to rest or sleep, and this can sometimes be at the bottom of the tank.