
If you have a 30-gallon tank or are planning to purchase one, you might wonder how much Angelfish you can keep in it. In this article, I will not only answer: how much Angelfish in a 30-gallon tank is good, but also, we will be discussing the factor that every novice and experienced Aquarist should consider to ensure the well-being of their angelfish companion.

Hence, welcome to our comprehensive guide on determining the ideal number of Angelfish to keep in a 30-gallon tank. We all know that Angelfish are very popular freshwater aquarium pets known for their graceful nature & striking beauty.

Therefore, we must provide them with a suitable environment where they can thrive & coexist harmoniously. So, without wasting any more time, let’s get the answer to how many Angelfish are in a 30-gallon tank.

How Many Angelfish In A 30-Gallon Tank?

How Many Angelfish In A 30-Gallon Tank?

Generally, you should keep one Angelfish per every 10 gallons of water. Therefore, it’s best to have only 3-4 fish in a 30-gallon size for their well-being. Also, individual variations in size, temperament, and tank setup may influence the number you can comfortably accommodate.

Ensure you assess your Angelfish’s behavior and interaction to acknowledge whether they need more or less space. Undoubtedly, determining the ideal number of Angelfish to keep in a 30-gallon tank size will require careful consideration of their size & tank capacity. There are also multiple factors that you need to consider.

Regarding tank size, Angelfish may exhibit specific needs to the florist and live a healthy life. Make sure to notice the natural behavior when kept in a 30-gallon tank. It is important to ensure they get sufficient swimming space and vertical room due to their tall body shape & swimming habits.

As you know, Angelfish can grow up to 6 inches in height. Lack of ample swimming space or height may interfere with their comfort level & happiness. After consulting with Aquarists who are experienced in keeping Angelfish, I learned that a minimum tank height of 18 inches is required to accommodate angelfish vertical swimming habits.

Also, make sure you are considering the horizontal swimming area, which must allow them to move freely without feeling cramped. As a general rule of thumb, a tank with a dimension of 36 inches long,18 inches wide, and 18 inches tall is suitable for housing Angelfish.

Make sure you are choosing this tank dimension which will further allow your fish to exhibit natural foraging behavior, including vertical swimming, exploring their surroundings, as well as establishing territories.

Also, make sure to provide larger tanks that offer them more freedom while reducing stress levels for these graceful fish. If you have the space & resources, consider giving them larger tanks, as it’s a better choice for their well-being.

Please keep them in a tank dimension with the dimension mentioned here (36×18×18). Your fish will give a beautiful majestic & graceful appearance while enhancing the overall aesthetic view of your aquarium as they glide through the water. However, ensure you also provide them with compatible live plants and tankmates to minimize territorial issues.

3 Factors Affecting Stocking Density

3 Factors Affecting Stocking Density

Filtration & Regular Maintenance

You should know that proper filtration and regular maintenance are required to maintain a healthy environment for your pet angelfish companion. Therefore, make sure you are considering the efficiency of the filtration system, which will further determine your tank’s capability to handle the waste produced by the fish.

It is important to always go with a high-quality filter capable of handling the tank’s bioload while preventing water pollution & maintaining optimal water conditions. Stocking density depends not only on tank size but also on its filtration settings & regular maintenance.


Apart from filtration & regular maintenance, it would help if you considered the computer compatibility of Angelfish with other tank inhabitants. Make sure you are preventing overcrowding by reducing stress levels and territorial issues.

Always choose tank mates that share similar care requirements & peaceful temperaments. Some compatible species that may coexist with Angelfish in the same tank include tetras, gouramis, and corydoras catfish. Always make sure to avoid address to your angelfish companions. Also, consider reading my recent post on”7 Best Tank Mates For Angelfish“&”7 Bad Tank Mates For Angelfish

Potential Growth

Lastly, another thing or factor that you need to consider is the potential growth of the angelfish species you’re considering adding to a 30-gallon tank. Make sure to plan accordingly, as the growth of Angelfish over time may also result in overcrowding.

As per Kurian Mathew Abraham at University of Kerala, angelfish is expected to reach its full size in a year or two. Therefore, not providing them with ample space will further lead to health issues & stunted growth. Therefore, monitor the growth of your angelfish companion closely and always be prepared to upgrade the current tank size to a larger one if required or necessary.

5 Tips For Maintaining a Healthy Angelfish Tank Environment 

If you want to ensure the well-being of your angelfish companion, mature following all the tips mentioned below to create a healthy environment within the confines of a 30-gallon tank.

Water Quality Parameters

Just like with any other fish, it is important to maintain appropriate water parameters for the overall health and longevity of your angelfish companion. I highly recommend keeping the water temperature for Angelfish from 70°-82° F within neutral to slightly acidic pH between 6.5 to 7.0.

Observation is required to keep the water temperature within this range all year while maintaining a stable pH level for their well-being. Regular water testing is also mandatory to monitor and adjust parameters as required.

Therefore, I will highly recommend you always go with a reliable water testing kit that can effectively measure ammonia, nitrate, and nitrite levels. As per Duke University, High levels of ammonia and nitrate can always be toxic for creatures living in the tank, especially Angelfish, which will further cause stress & health issues.

Also, make sure that you pay attention to the regular partial water changes, which will help you maintain optimal water quality while removing accumulated waste and replenishing essential minerals.

Tank Setup & Decorations

After creating suitable water parameters for your Angelfish, you must create an ideal habitat by providing a proper tank setup and decoration. You should know that Angelfish also enjoy hiding spots and vertical structures where they can explode and promote their foraging behavior.

I recommend decorating your tank with live plants like Amazon swords or java moss, which provide aesthetic appeal and mimic their natural environment while providing additional shelter. Also, you should provide them with hiding spots by including driftwood and rock formations inside the tank, which will also serve as territories for Angelfish.

You should know that this kind of small structure can contribute to the Angelfish tank’s overall stability while offering your companion a sense of security. Choose a decoration & items that are compatible and safe for your Angelfish to ensure they have a smooth surface without any sharp edges that may injure them.

Diet & Feeding

You should know that Angelfish are omnivorous and like to eat a balanced diet. Ensure they have a varied diet consisting of high-quality flakes and pellet food while supplementing it with live or frozen foods like brine stream or bloodworms.

It would help if you also considered including a mix of dry and Frozen Food in their regular diet to help provide necessary essential nutrients and satisfy the natural feeding instinct. Feed your Angelfish small portions of food multiple times daily to prevent overheating and maintain optimal health.

If you are not monitoring the feeding behavior of your Angelfish, do it right now! so you can effectively adjust the amount of food you’re offering them regularly accordingly. Also, removing any uneaten food promptly is recommended to prevent water contamination. After knowing what

If you are not monitoring the feeding behavior of your Angelfish, do it right now! so you can effectively adjust the amount of food you’re offering them regularly accordingly. Also, removing any uneaten food promptly is recommended to prevent water contamination. After knowing this, if you want to learn about their predators, consider reading: What Eats Angelfish?

Tank Maintenance

To ensure the well-being of your Angelfish, you must provide ongoing maintenance and attentive care. Monitor and adjust the water parameter as required while cleaning the filtration system occasionally. Also, make sure you do regular water changes to remove accumulated waste and toxins. I usually aim for a 25% water change every two weeks to maintain water clarity and overall tank health.

Tank Mates

As I told you earlier, you should avoid aggressive or fin-nipping species that may cause injury, stress, or harm to your angelfish companion. You must choose the right tankmates with a type of temperament and tend to have the same requirement as Angelfish to create a harmonious aquatic community. 3 of my favorite tankmates for Angelfish are the following:

  • Tetras
  • Gouramis
  • Corydoras Catfish


So, it is best to house 3 or 4 Angelfish in a 30-gallon tank with appropriate decoration, hiding spots, and water parameters. I have given my best to give your a proper understanding of the ideal stocking density for a 30-gallon tank size.

Also, maintain water optimal water quality and create a comfortable habitat that can ensure the well-being of your angelfish companion. If you find this article helpful, then consider sharing it. Your one share will help many people learn how much Angelfish is in a 30-gallon tank and what things they need to consider.

Check my other helpful guide on angelfish care to provide them with the best ongoing care possible. See you in the next post, till then, take care & goodbye.